Ayan Chappra is currently a Trainee Paraplanner at Iceni Financial Advisers. He has a Master’s degree in Finance and Investment from the University of Exeter. Also, he holds a Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Amity Global Business School.
Ayan has previous experience as a Business Development Intern at Savage & Palmer. Notably, he holds several finance-related certifications, including CFA IMC Unit 1, CISI International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management, and R02.
In his free time, Ayan enjoys going to the gym and spending time with friends and family at the beach.
To contact Ayan Chappra, please call 01603-957599.
The Role of Financial Advisers
Financial Advisers advise clients on investments, pensions, taxes, estate planning, insurance, mortgages, and retirement planning. They can also be known as personal financial advisors, financial planners, financial advisors, financial service advisors, and investment advisers. Financial advisers look at your personal circumstances and your financial plans and recommend products to help you meet your financial and future needs.
The Importance of Independent Financial Advisers
There are two types of Financial Advisers. At Iceni Financial Advisers, we are known as Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs). Basically, this means we can recommend financial products spanning the whole of the market. Accordingly, the advice we give advice is both unbiased and unrestricted. Whereas when compared with Restricted Advisers; they can only recommend products from certain providers. In some cases, they are only able to recommend products from a single company.
The Importance of Financial Advice
The importance of financial advice. Did you know you could be £47K better off after 10 years with Financial Advice? Basically, customers who took financial advice saw a £31K uplift in their pension wealth. Together with a £16K increase to other financial assets. The importance of Financial Advice – Source: What it’s worth – revisiting the value of financial advice, November 2019