Retire earlier with a financial adviser
Retire earlier with a financial adviser. Almost half (45%) of clients believe they will retire earlier with a Financial Adviser. Consequently, it is estimated that 48% will retire by at least 60 years old. Research from Investec Wealth & Investment UK has revealed.
Moreover, the research highlights how education around financial planning together with pensions and investment choices have empowered clients. Subsequently enabling better control of their retirement decisions.
More than one in seven (15%) of those expecting to retire early said they will stop working up two years earlier. In addition, 38% believe support from an adviser will help them retire two to four years quicker. Notably,16% say they will retire five plus years earlier, when compared to not using a financial adviser.
In respect of the channel for receiving advice, 42% said their advice is mainly face-to-face. With one in five (20%) relying purely on digital advice. Critically, 38% said they combined face-to-face with digital.
Consequently, he research highlight ‘strong’ preference for face-to-face advice. Accordingly, 67% state it is important to meet face-to-face to discuss key life stage milestones. Likewise, to understand the financial implications of these. Furthermore, 90% of those who meet face-to-face rate the service as excellent or good.
However, 83% of those receiving digital-only financial advice also rate the service as excellent or good.
Commenting on the research “Financial Advisers can deliver genuinely life-changing results for clients. This enables them to retire earlier than they would have done if they had not sought advice.”
“Clients believe they are better informed about financial planning and on top of their retirement options. Hence this is helping them to decide to retire earlier than if they had not had any help.”
“A fundamental part of that is that clients still overwhelmingly prefer having at least the option of face-to-face advice.
“Digital services are clearly part of the equation and can deliver good results. But there is overwhelming strong support for face-to-face interaction.”
To understand how we can help you with your financial planning and long-term retirement goals, call us today. For a free initial consultation, call us on 01603 957599.